Welcome to our classrooms
2’s (Fabulous Frogs)
We provide opportunities for our 2’s to freely explore their environment through art, music, outdoor exploration, and our hands-on 'Tinkerlab' science area. Learning should be fun! We understand that children mature and develop at different rates, so being potty trained is NOT required.
Below is a snapshot of what concepts are focused on in our Fabulous Frogs Room.
• Self Awareness - who we are and how we fit within a classroom of fellow students.
• Self Regulation - practicing impulse control, developing the concept of patience and turn-taking, stopping one's body when asked.
• Self Advocacy - using language & physical communication to get needs met.
• Social Norms - learning how to function within a group. Primarily through Circle Time, Lunch, Chapel, and more.
3’s (Terrific Turtles)
We get it, parenting and 3's is tough! We work together with parents and families, reinforcing kind and developmentally-appropriate methods. We believe students at this age need more one-on-one attention for optimal learning. This is why we maintain a minimum of 2 teachers at all times with no more than 15 students in a classroom.
4’s/TK (Leaping Lizards)
The 4's and Transitional Kindergarten class will be a year of discovery through art, science, cooking, and so much more! This year is full of hands-on fun and helping children to become independent learners. We believe students at this age need more one on one attention for optimal learning. This is why we maintain a minimum of 2 teachers at all times with no more than 15 students in a classroom.
This is the last step before they are off to Kindergarten! We know this year is an important milestone in preparation for Elementary School. Whether you are sending your child off to public or private school, they need to be ready to grow and succeed. We also know that children's development is about more than learning their ABC's but also about forming social relationships, providing opportunities to explore the world around them, and learning in an environment that provides meaningful experiences that are also fun! Creativity and thinking 'outside the box' is what Silicon Valley was founded upon!
Kindergarten (Courageous Chameleons)
It’s time to rethink education and put children’s learning first and unlock the key to your child’s success. Not sure if your child is ready for Kindergarten OR are you looking for a better solution to public school for one more year? Our classes build confident learners both socially, emotionally, and academically.We provide inquiry based learning, which is not just for preschoolers, with a hands on approach to learning to read and write. Letters become words and words become sentences as learning builds upon itself in ways that are meaning to young children. Our teachers understand early childhood education and our approach to learning brings a balance between creative play and exploration and formal education. As they journal starting with pictures and progress to labeling those pictures with words and math games leading to simple math we want to continue to allow children to learn how they learn best by teaching WITH them not AT them! In addition to this, our smaller class sizes provide each child with the individual attention they deserve and the ability to learn at their own pace. They all eventually get there but how they get there is the Key to Success!!!!